Posted on Friday, June 30th, 2023 at 3:15 pm    

Can I Upgrade My Residential Roof to Clay Tiles from Asphalt Shingles

In the heart of Texas, a roof does more than shelter us from the elements. It adds character to our homes, tells a story about our taste, and makes a statement in our neighborhoods. The thought of replacing your asphalt shingles with exquisite, durable, and sustainable clay tiles might feel like a giant leap. But here’s the question: Is such an upgrade feasible? And what are the benefits of clay tiles vs. asphalt shingles?

We’re here to help you answer these questions, provide valuable insights, and guide you through the process. The Austin roofing pros at have extensive experience with both asphalt and clay roofs, and we can help you find the right choice for your home. Let’s delve into the world of clay tiles and discover the magic they can bring to your home.

Benefits of Asphalt Shingles and Clay Tile Roofs

Choosing between asphalt shingles and clay tiles isn’t simply a matter of picking one over the other. Each type of roofing material offers unique benefits that could make it the right fit for your home. Let’s break down the advantages of both:

Clay Tiles:

  • Durability: Clay tiles are made to withstand extreme weather, from the searing Texas heat to the harshest storms. When properly installed and maintained, a clay tile roof can last 50 to 100 years or more!
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Clay tiles offer an elegant, classic aesthetic that can boost your home’s curb appeal. Their unique, timeless look makes them a great option if you want a roof that stands out in your neighborhood.
  • Energy Efficiency: Thanks to their heavy thermal mass, clay tiles can help maintain a stable temperature inside your home, reducing the need for artificial cooling and heating. This feature is especially beneficial in our Texan climate!
  • Eco-Friendly: Clay tiles are made from natural materials, which makes them a sustainable and eco-friendly roofing choice.

Asphalt Shingles:

  • Cost-Effective: Asphalt shingles are popular among homeowners primarily due to their affordability. Not only are the materials relatively inexpensive, but installation costs are also typically lower.
  • Easy Installation: Compared to clay tiles, asphalt shingles are easier and quicker to install, which can mean less disruption to your life during a roof replacement.
  • Versatility: Asphalt shingles come in various colors and styles, providing flexibility in matching your home’s aesthetic.
  • Maintenance: Routine maintenance for asphalt shingle roofs is generally straightforward and less costly than for clay tile roofs.

Cons of Asphalt Shingles and Clay Tile Roofs

Can I Upgrade My Residential Roof to Clay Tiles from Asphalt ShinglesNow that we’ve discussed the benefits, it’s also essential to understand the potential downsides of both clay tile and asphalt shingle roofs. This knowledge can help you make a more informed decision about what’s best for your home.

Clay Tiles:

  • Weight: Clay tiles are much heavier than asphalt shingles. This means that your home’s structure must be strong enough to support the additional weight. If not, structural modifications may be necessary, which can add to the cost of the roofing project.
  • Cost: The price tag for a clay tile roof, including materials and installation, tends to be significantly higher than that of an asphalt shingle roof.
  • Installation and Maintenance: Installing clay tiles is more complex and requires the skill of an experienced roofing contractor. Additionally, while clay tiles are durable, they can break if walked on, making maintenance a bit more challenging.

Asphalt Shingles:

  • Lifespan: While asphalt shingles are cost-effective, they generally don’t last as long as clay tiles. Most asphalt shingle roofs need to be replaced every 20 to 30 years, depending on the quality of the material and maintenance.
  • Heat Absorption: Asphalt shingles tend to absorb and hold heat, which can make your home hotter during the scorching Texas summers. This could result in higher energy costs for cooling your home.
  • Aesthetic Limitations: While asphalt shingles offer versatility in colors and styles, they may lack the unique, high-end look of clay tiles.

Which Roof Type is Best for My Home?

The final decision to upgrade to a clay tile roof from asphalt shingles depends on several key factors. Here’s a brief guide to help you decide:

  • Budget: If you’re on a tight budget and need a new roof promptly, asphalt shingles might be the way to go due to their lower initial cost. But if you can accommodate a more substantial initial investment and plan to stay in your home for many years, clay tiles could save you money in the long run.
  • Aesthetic Preference: Do you prefer the traditional, elegant look of clay tiles, or do you favor the versatility of asphalt shingles? Your personal style and the architectural style of your home are significant factors in making this choice.
  • Climate: If your home tends to get hot and you rely heavily on air conditioning, clay tiles could help reduce those energy bills.

Here at [firm-name], we’re passionate about helping Texans make the right choice for their homes. If you’re considering upgrading your roof, call (737) 275-7599 or complete our contact form to schedule an appointment with our team.


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Last Updated: 01-03-2024
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